December 27, 2008

Brass Monkey! That funky monkey!

So, this break is going pretty good. I watched Sin City last night. it was so fucking good, like oh my gosh! It's one of my favorites now. After that, I watched Always Sunny and went ot bed. Today, I patched things up with some people and Emilee told me a sad, but happy story. :) So, I found the 3OH!3 album on and it's only 10 bucks. W00t! And I should be getting my Scoop soon, hopefully. Tell me: Orange (Citrus) or Red? I'm leaning towards Red. :D I'll ahve unlimited texting, and unlimited nights and weekends. I'm excited. I hate Tracfone. : Uh, I'm gonna be gone Monday, I'll be hanging with my cousin. You're welcome for that random information, by the way. :) I can finally play GHWT on hard! Badly, though. Uh, nothing else, really. Except for when me and Emilee were chatting on Facebook, and she randomly said "FWE=Flying Walrus Erection." FWE! That is all. Later, d00ds. =D

OH! TOday I randomly told Britney about this one dream I had about the musical. Like, I had missed tryouts, or something, and I got a real bad role, and I was upset. But Cailtin Hamm got a lead, and she was good. And then I went outside, and there were some thugs, and they terrorized the auditorium. Mass chaos! Then, I woke up. Not strange at all. Pssh. I've changed song choice again. I'm using Dancing Through Life from Wicked. :D That is all.