March 4, 2009

You have bent your shoulders to hold the weight of the world; you will surely shatter.

Today started off good. I got up a few minutes earlier than I have been lateely, which is good. Last night, I moved my bed towards the door, and switched the side my night table was on. It gives my bed a more comfortable feeling and such. :) I slept pretty well, and remember having some sort of odd dream...hmm...

School was pretty good. English flew by, we had a discussion about Great Expectations. Bio, we had our History of DNA test, which i actually think I aced! :D Spanish, we learned a new verb. Mehh. Stud, Missy was tired. But apparently, she kicked ass at tryouts for the talent show! That's my Missy for you! Lunch was making me mad because new people come to the table and make some of the original people share chairs when they get their own. >_<

Gym was epic, we played Crackabout the whole time again. And I totally fucking beasted! >XO I got so many people out today. Whist was boring. Blehh. Algebra, I'm kinda getting better at elimination method. Drama wsa kinda fun. Missy had a few strange props she was messing with. Bwahaha. Went home, walked the dog, went outside with Emma, came home, got online, blahblahblah. I was texting Emilee and she saw someone's TV when she was going home and hit had "A GUY AND A GIRL GOING AT IT" on screen. XD!

Now I'm talking to Alicen. :) I feel so bad for this girl. Her best friend is in the hospital, in ICU with a blood clot. Alicen is one of the nicest people I have ever, and probably WILL ever meet, and her friend doesn't deserve this, and Alicen doesn't deserve the pain of it. But, the Lord works in mysterious ways. I'm praying for her.

I have to do Spanish, then I'm done for the night! Psha! Well, bye guys! :P


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