June 30, 2008

I've been dancing around the truth.

So, Ashley just told meh about her 4th of July party. I'm wicked excited now! =D So, I was on AIM. And then Sami asked me what I did while she was gone, and I was like: "I ate dinner, and then...my mom bought me gummy bears! And I have a gummy bear fetish." But it was the completely WRONG IM, and I sent that all to Andy. But he understood, thank God. XD So, my plans to read all day were foiled by my need for the computer. I need to break that. T_T Cause I wanna finish Wicked and move on to Burned and the Twilight books. And start reading Anime, I think. I could get into that stuff. After Ashley sent me those videos. I'm putting my favorite one in. Zomg, Ashley, Rachel, and Ed are fucking insane.

It seems like going to that Con. would be wicked fun. :) Now I'm gonna watch a movie. BY3.
"Music is the only thing that makes sense anymore. Play it loud enough, it keeps the demons at bay." --Across the Universe<3

New Bloggy

Well, I lost my old password, and Blogspot is mean to me sometimes. So, I made a new account. And I think I'll keep this one updated a lot more. So, today I was planning on reading Wicked all day long, but then I got sidetracked with MySpace and in half an hour, That 70's Show is on. I recently found out I love that show. :) I'm so happy, only 2 weeks to The Hush Sound!<3 And All Time Low & Warped. I'm gonna make this blog real spiffy now. :) New post later, maybe. :D